
Showing posts from September, 2017

The Song of my Youth

I remembered the song clearly.  It is a three short-line song I used to sing as a little girl - in my extremely squeaky voice.  I used to hide in some quiet corner or place that I could find for myself in the crowded family house.  My mum heard and saw me singing in those days though.  Mums hey?  They don't miss anything.  Not mine anyway!  She still sings the song to me sometimes - to tease me... I remembered my loneliness then...  No.  Not loneliness.  I think I just liked to have my own little space for myself and my interesting and maybe weird plays.  Dreaming away with my imaginations running wild and chatting with myself.  In my own little wonderful world...  I loved it.  I miss it. Anyway, this is the song - in Yoruba (Nigerian) language.  I have no idea where I heard it from.  The song has stayed with me since. Ibukun o Onigbagbo To gbekele And my translation (not professional) of the s...