
What do you do when you can not be sure if the decision you made on the spur of the moment is God-inspired or you-inspired? When you are in a desperate situation? And pressures seem to be mounting up and up and up...  And suddenly help comes from the least expected person... Someone who would give their right arm to see you sinking in the sea of misery years ago... is now the same person now giving both arms to carry you through.  Is this God at work in His mysterious way or...  Or some mad luck... or what?

The aftermath...  Lord, did I do the right thing here? accepting this offer of help? or am I digging a bigger hole of trouble...  a big payback situation?  But... I was in a desperate situation Lord... And I was crying out to You Lord, remember?  I was asking You - how do I get myself out of this one?  This is too complicated for me.  It's bad timing - not that there will ever be a right time for something like this.  Well, I have taken this decision and I am not sure if it is the right one or not.  But You are God and You know all things.  Forgive me if I have done what I should not have done.  I am so imperfect... and completely in Your capable arms.  Please take charge of the whole situation from here Lord.  I trust You completely.

Looking back 2000+ years ago...  The very imperfect King David - who committed so many atrocities but yet You called him 'a man after your heart'.  And Moses, the hot headed murderer who later became the meekest of all humans....    Gideon the 'coward', Samson the 'very powerful who became a weakling' in the arms of a woman... Well, there were a lot of broken and imperfect men and women in those days... there are a lot more of us in these modern times too.

My prayer... Please Lord, I pray that You will use our imperfections and brokenness to the glory of Your powerful and mighty name.  Please Lord, mould us, renew us, revive us, cleanse us, forgive us, help us...  We need You.  Please Lord, open Your eyes and see our plights, our helplessness.  Open Your ears and hear our cries to You.  Please.  In Jesus' mighty name. Amen.


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